Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Last week we have our second test for the semester. the test was quite difficult because i dont study well before take the test. The test 2 is about topic from simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound-complex sentence. i hope i did well in the test.
After the test Miss Cheah give us our result from our test 1. Some did well. some manage to do not very when they see the mark they got. I also got one one worst mark in the class.
The result from test 1 make us open our eye so wide, how worst our English could be when we think we can hear and speak properly. But we are not that good. Trust me. We are not!  i think i will need to be more focus and spend time to improve my english to better way.

Before ending the class Miss Cheah gave us brief about next class. That we will need to submit our folio and make presentation power point. Next week will be our final class for this semester. Hope i can meet Miss Cheah again next semester.

1 comment:

  1. the test is indeed a bit difficult but lets hope we're done our very best because my 1st test is not very satisfying though....-_-

