Thursday, October 28, 2010


Today Technical Communication Class had a final class for this semester. All the group need to do presentation of summarize the class. Casper group was the last group to do the presentation. I believe our group did not make the presentation quite well. The thing goes really wrong 1 hour before the presentation, some technical error can i say for the error.

I think the best presenter goes to Aslam group and Yusrina group, they both manage to present quite impresive presentation. it was marvelous. 

Before finalized the class, Madam Cheah show us videos to watch. The videos is about student in new era today show a huge different from the past student that doesn't have technology like student have today. 

After i show the videos, i look its similar the way i study right now, most of the assingment document we only copy, paste and edit it to make more like we make it our own. Funny how technology right now make people become more lazy and fool them self.

I wonder how the world one day could be if the future president that represent their nation is also one the people that copy,paste and edit their assignment. 

Me and my group also want to say Thank you to Madam Cheah and and a big apologize for any disturbing when we make in the class, we doesn't mean to make like that. it just something that we cant control with our own. Thank You Madam.

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