Friday, December 31, 2010


Its been a while the blog has been silence, today is the last night of the 2010, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO WE ALL.

New year has come, looks like we need a new chapter in this year. 

10 days from now, the semester 5 will begin. How exciting...

See you there,, at IPROM.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Today we had our final paper for this semester,,, its is the end of the semester.. Static was our last paper...
The exam was quite difficult, i hope i pass it....

Most of our friend already booked their ticket to back home to their village. This semester was a tired semester and maybe worst for me. But i know, i cant complaint to much... there much more to come for next upcoming semester. I hope we can prepare our self from mind and body... So we need rest... And rest is already there... hahahaha...

We would like to thank a lot to our lecture for this semester,,, Thank u so much,,,,

Sir Hisham - 3d Modelling and CAID
Mohamizan - Multimedia
Miss Cheah - Tech Comm
Sir Yunin - Static
Sir Arif - Methodology
Sir Zuljar - Studio 2

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


it has been 2 week after the end of Tech Comm class. But other tension is still on, we still have Static final paper need to be done by this week. Hope we all can do all. There is still a few day for the Static paper.

The second semester is almost at the end. Mind are set to 'Balik Kampung' right now...

enjoy the paper....

enjoy the tension why you still can...

enjoy your beautiful day as a student...

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Today Technical Communication Class had a final class for this semester. All the group need to do presentation of summarize the class. Casper group was the last group to do the presentation. I believe our group did not make the presentation quite well. The thing goes really wrong 1 hour before the presentation, some technical error can i say for the error.

I think the best presenter goes to Aslam group and Yusrina group, they both manage to present quite impresive presentation. it was marvelous. 

Before finalized the class, Madam Cheah show us videos to watch. The videos is about student in new era today show a huge different from the past student that doesn't have technology like student have today. 

After i show the videos, i look its similar the way i study right now, most of the assingment document we only copy, paste and edit it to make more like we make it our own. Funny how technology right now make people become more lazy and fool them self.

I wonder how the world one day could be if the future president that represent their nation is also one the people that copy,paste and edit their assignment. 

Me and my group also want to say Thank you to Madam Cheah and and a big apologize for any disturbing when we make in the class, we doesn't mean to make like that. it just something that we cant control with our own. Thank You Madam.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Final Class For The Semester

Time right now is 5.35 am. All the member of Casper group and all IDE for the Technical Communication class still dont sleep. Today we need to submit all of our work in Technical Communication Subject. We also need to do presentation about the subject.

Tired and feeling sleepy is in our head right now. Hope we can still sleep for while.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Last week we have our second test for the semester. the test was quite difficult because i dont study well before take the test. The test 2 is about topic from simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound-complex sentence. i hope i did well in the test.
After the test Miss Cheah give us our result from our test 1. Some did well. some manage to do not very when they see the mark they got. I also got one one worst mark in the class.
The result from test 1 make us open our eye so wide, how worst our English could be when we think we can hear and speak properly. But we are not that good. Trust me. We are not!  i think i will need to be more focus and spend time to improve my english to better way.

Before ending the class Miss Cheah gave us brief about next class. That we will need to submit our folio and make presentation power point. Next week will be our final class for this semester. Hope i can meet Miss Cheah again next semester.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Our second presentation for this semester

Yesterday 2/9/2010 in our Tech Comm class we have our second presentation for this semester. Madam Cheah want us to present about Simple Sentences, Compound Sentence, Complex Sentences and Compound-Complex Sentences. Our group was given task to present about simple sentences. After finding all the info we need before the presentation we unable to make group discussion so before we start the present. Our group was the first group to present and we present we it well (i guest). After the present we watch all the presentation from other group and start to take note and gained some extra knowledge about these all sentences. after all finished presentation, we think the best present goes to 'werockstar' group because they present it very well and also give the class some tricky question for the class to answer.

Before ending the class Madam Cheah have some minor discussion about the extra class she want to held after the mid term brake, the propose of that class is to replace the all the missed class that we miss during this semester, its to catch up the syllabus before its getting to final exam. She also remind us about the second test for the subject that will be held on 2nd week after mid-term brake.

*Below is a quick recap about our present :

I.C : Independent Clause : This clause can stand alone
D.C : Dependent Clause : This clause can't stand alone

Simple Sentences :  I.C

Compound Sentences : I.C +<Connect using linking words>+  I.C

Complex Sentences : I.C +<Connect using linking words>+ D.C

Compound-Complex Sentences : I.C + I.C + D.C + D.C+.....(One or more D.C) Still connect using linking words.

*That's All for this week. Comment if i post the wrong info. Thank You