Thursday, August 12, 2010

Prefix and Suffix

Last week in Tech Comm class, Madam Cheah teach us about Prefix and Suffix. We have no idea what is mean by Prefix and Suffix for the first time hear that words. After been lecture by Madam Cheah we know a liltle more knowledge from her lecture. By what i learned Prefix is a beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. 
for example :  words like "able" by adding the prefix add the front it became "un-able". For the suffix is by adding at the end of the words for example : the word "creative" by adding the suffix function it became "creativ-ity"

After the class we can improve certain part of speech in english, by using this new knowledge about Prefix and Suffix. 

At the end of our class Madam Cheah want us to buy Advanced Dictionary for our reference. 

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