Monday, August 30, 2010

Speak English In our Language

Last week in our Tech Comm Madam Cheah gave us our first test for English subject, we were a little bit confuse on part B section. The test were held for 1 and a half hour. After the test Madam Cheah give a speech about talking a English language in our own language style. For example like when Malay people speak English they will pronouns the word like they pronouns the  Malay words. Madam Cheah also tell about her experience when she study in China and see many kind of Chinese people do talk English but have different of style when pronouns the words, She said its a little bit hard to understand the words because it was to  more like pronouns Chinese words rather than pronouns English Words. Madam Cheah also shared us videos on You about one headmaster of English Teacher in China giving English speech when trying to advertise his English  School class. It was funny by the way he trying to speak. Many people give their own comment about the video but for us we wish him the best for his English class.  One day maybe he can speak fluent English because he not afraid to try.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Learning The Phonetic Symbol

Last week in our Tech Comm class Madam Cheah teach us about the Phonetic Symbol, firstly we have no idea what is the phonetic Symbol. The Phonetic Symbol usually can be found in dictionary for example in Advanced English Dictionary that Madam Cheah request us to buy. The symbol teach us how to say the words correctly by not using Malay slang. 

When learning the, Madam Cheah give us some game that we need to find one article and change it into Phonetic Symbol article. Its was so much fun when some group did not pronouns the word correctly and became the other strange word. After the game I realized that I have so many weakness need to improve when learning the English language. 

Below is some example of picture that we learned in Madam Cheah Class.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our First Day Class TECH COMM

First Technical Communication class Madam introduce herself her name is Madam Cheah Swi Ee, she was ex-lecture of  UNIKL MSI. Then all the student need to introduce their self. After all the introduction Madam Cheah begin her briefing about the Technical Communication class and what she expected from the student. She also brief the assessment about the syllabus.


1.Test 1-30%
-Including,hearing vocabulary,contextual clues,prefix, suffix and dictionary skill   
2.Test 2-% Basic sentence structure
3. Assignment-30% Reading & Report
4. Participation
5.Quiz / Project 

Prefix and Suffix

Last week in Tech Comm class, Madam Cheah teach us about Prefix and Suffix. We have no idea what is mean by Prefix and Suffix for the first time hear that words. After been lecture by Madam Cheah we know a liltle more knowledge from her lecture. By what i learned Prefix is a beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. 
for example :  words like "able" by adding the prefix add the front it became "un-able". For the suffix is by adding at the end of the words for example : the word "creative" by adding the suffix function it became "creativ-ity"

After the class we can improve certain part of speech in english, by using this new knowledge about Prefix and Suffix. 

At the end of our class Madam Cheah want us to buy Advanced Dictionary for our reference. 

Presentation Day Contextual Clue

Today every  group need to present contextual clue that they find in any article.Our group gain something has a new meaning today and know  how to guest the structure of sentence.Miss Cheah teach me how to used and aim the contextual clue skill which is by using suitable of word.Otherwise we also recognize and improve our grammar and  quick capture the sentence compare the previous class .we  also get an advised from Miss Cheah about the thing we must be alert especially by using grammatical and the bombastic word.All of clarity today we can defined it.