Thursday, September 2, 2010

Our second presentation for this semester

Yesterday 2/9/2010 in our Tech Comm class we have our second presentation for this semester. Madam Cheah want us to present about Simple Sentences, Compound Sentence, Complex Sentences and Compound-Complex Sentences. Our group was given task to present about simple sentences. After finding all the info we need before the presentation we unable to make group discussion so before we start the present. Our group was the first group to present and we present we it well (i guest). After the present we watch all the presentation from other group and start to take note and gained some extra knowledge about these all sentences. after all finished presentation, we think the best present goes to 'werockstar' group because they present it very well and also give the class some tricky question for the class to answer.

Before ending the class Madam Cheah have some minor discussion about the extra class she want to held after the mid term brake, the propose of that class is to replace the all the missed class that we miss during this semester, its to catch up the syllabus before its getting to final exam. She also remind us about the second test for the subject that will be held on 2nd week after mid-term brake.

*Below is a quick recap about our present :

I.C : Independent Clause : This clause can stand alone
D.C : Dependent Clause : This clause can't stand alone

Simple Sentences :  I.C

Compound Sentences : I.C +<Connect using linking words>+  I.C

Complex Sentences : I.C +<Connect using linking words>+ D.C

Compound-Complex Sentences : I.C + I.C + D.C + D.C+.....(One or more D.C) Still connect using linking words.

*That's All for this week. Comment if i post the wrong info. Thank You

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Last week, in our class TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION, Madam Cheah have a test 1 that conclude the contextual clues, prefixes and suffixes and word in vocabulary. Then, after finish the test 1 about the one hour, Madam Cheah spend the time about the half an hour to teach and tell about the PART 2 TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION, WRITING. Madam  Cheah teach that Writing separate into simple, compound, and complex sentences. From that points, Madam Cheah give every groups one of the types sentence. In our group, we got the simple sentences. From that, we manage to find the definition and the examples of the simple sentences part.